I want to be the wise man who is changed by God from what I was–not the fool who settles for merely knowing what God said.

Matthew 7:24,26
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock”
“But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.” 
Wisdom is not merely about the information we learn–it is about what we do with the information we have. God’s word is critically necessary-but if it is not followed up with action, the result is foolishness. 
I need the word and the voice of God in my life. I need to make a habit of daily spending time with God-talking to Him, and letting him speak to me. It’s not enough for me to merely hear the voice of God though–I must allow his word to change me day by day. His voice must be a catalyst within me which causes me to speak, walk, act, and live differently than the way I used to.
I want to be the wise man who is changed by God from what I was–not the fool who settles for merely knowing what God said. 
God, thank you for your word and your voice! Help me to accept what you teach me, and allow you to shape me daily to be more like you! 

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