I need a merciful Savior, and I must show that same grace and mercy to others.
Matthew 5:48
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly father is perfect.” 
“Be perfect”. That’s a pretty steep expectation! No wonder the Israelites struggled under the law. God is perfect, and He expects the same from His children–and yet He still loves us despite the fact that we don’t measure up. 
I am so far from perfect! This passage of scripture would be an unbearable weight to carry, if not for the One who is speaking–Jesus Christ, the sinless son of God, the one who loves me enough to pay my debt and cover me with His own righteousness!
I am so grateful to be loved by the Savior, and I don’t want to take His love for granted. This passage also reminds me to show grace to those around me who are also imperfect–like my sons, and those I am called to lead. I need a merciful Savior, and I must show that same grace and mercy to others. 
God, thank you for being merciful to me when I don’t measure up to your perfection! Help me to live a life of intentional gratefulness, and extend that same grace and mercy to others. 

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