Endurance Training

Endurance Training

There is a great and eternal reward set before me in Christ! It is worth the discipline, and worth the discomfort of the training process. It is worth the cost of anything that must be endured or given up in the pursuit of God’s best for me. Today I choose to...
My People

My People

It’s easy to put people in a box based on their past wrongs. But if the infinite and holy God of the universe is willing to call them His own…then I have no right to hold them at arms length for that which He has already forgiven. Today I pray for each...
Survival Strategies for Crazy Times

Survival Strategies for Crazy Times

In the middle of stress, anxiety, chaos, tensions, and even an assassination attempt today on a presidential candidate…today’s SOAP reading reminded of the Biblical survival strategy for crazy times. =======================================   Scripture...
What Happened?!

What Happened?!

When I take the time to look at the enemy that God defeated on my behalf yesterday, it gives me faith to stand strong knowing that my Savior’s strength is no less today than it was yesterday. =================================   Scripture Isaiah 14:16-17 16...
Heaven’s Conspiracy Theory

Heaven’s Conspiracy Theory

Heaven’s conspiracy is one of joy and hope: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…” Today I choose to focus my attention on heaven’s conspiracy theory, and let my heart by ruled by the fear of God. ==========================...