The Fulfillment

The Fulfillment

Instead of trying to figure out how to fulfill God’s promise in my life, I must instead lock step with the promise-giver…trusting that His timing is perfect, and His promise will not fail. =================== Scripture Genesis 16:5 And Sarai said to Abram,...
Divine Approval

Divine Approval

God’s plan will not lead me, where His grace cannot sustain me. In order to love my wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25), I must love with a heart of self-sacrifice rather than self-preservation. My job is to love my family well, and lead them toward...
Twisted Truth

Twisted Truth

Speaking the truth isn’t enough. If I lack the heart of God, then even the truth that I speak will not serve his purpose. I must speak the truth, with the right heart. ================================== Scripture Luke 4:41 “And demons also came out of...
Something New

Something New

It’s easy to put God into a box of what he’s already done in my life. But God isn’t done yet! There are new seasons ahead, and new purposes to fulfill. As long as my answer to him is always ‘yes!’, there is no limit to what God can do....
Check Engine

Check Engine

The sudden flare of anger in my heart is always evidence of something that God wants to accomplish in me–some change or transformation that will bring him glory. =============================== Scripture Genesis 4:4-7 “…and Abel also brought of the...