Trenton Johnson (dot com)

Mercy vs. Favor

Mercy vs. Favor

I don't want to live my life my own sinful way, begging periodically for God's mercy. I want to live a life of true repentance, and align my heart with the Father. I want to experience the full measure of His blessing, and walk in His favor. ==================  ...

The Power of an Unreleased Miracle

The Power of an Unreleased Miracle

It's easy to focus my attention on what I think I lack-- but what has God already placed in my hands? What resources has He already entrusted to me, that I have disregarded as 'too small', or 'too insignificant'? It could be that I already hold a miracle, which simply...

Skimming the Dross

Skimming the Dross

Just as a silversmith cannot craft a masterpiece simply by amassing more and more impure silver, so I cannot accomplish what God has called me to do if I never take the time to filter out the things which cannot ultimately be part of that final masterpiece....

Growing Strong in Faith

Growing Strong in Faith

Although I prefer the seasons when everything is going according to plan, those aren't the moments when my faith is built. Rather--my faith has an opportunity to grow in the moments when my situation is the most precarious, and the future seems the most uncertain....



The change that Christ has brought to my heart must be communicated in the way that I speak, the way that I live, and the way that I interact--because I've experienced the power of God, and He has saved me! ====================   Scripture Romans 1:16-17 16 For I...

The Pursuit of Knowing God

The Pursuit of Knowing God

At some point people will forget the projects I've worked on, the hobbies I've pursued, and the tasks I've completed. But I want to live and lead in such a way that my sons and those to whom I pass the baton in God's kingdom will remember to 'know God' above all else....

The Dissenting Opinion

The Dissenting Opinion

It's never fun to be the one to speak up in opposition to an idea, especially an idea from someone in authority. Yet that willingness to be the lone, unpopular voice of caution is the mark of a truly godly man. =============================   Scripture 1...

Broken and Contrite

Broken and Contrite

God isn't just interested in the quantifiable metrics of my life--he's looking at the state of my heart. Instead of trying to navigate life solely by the actions I perform, I must instead go back daily to the 'heart stuff'. ============================ Scripture Psalm...



Integrity goes beyond what I am explicitly obligated to do. It's the thing that must define my actions when the situation isn't completely 'wrong'...but neither is it 'right'. ============================ Scripture 2 Samuel 4:11 "How much more, when wicked men have...

Whispers in the Dark

Whispers in the Dark

The darkness doesn't bring God's voice any nearer--it simply gives me the choice of focusing on my fearful imagination...or on his quiet whisper. This week, I choose to focus on the quiet whisper of God's voice. ========================== Scripture Matthew 10:19-20,...

Learning, Not Just Admitting

Learning, Not Just Admitting

When confronted by my failures, I want to learn and grow forward--not keep repeating the same dumb decisions. =================================== Scripture 1 Samuel 26:21 "Then Saul said, "I have sinned. Return, my son David, for I will no more do you harm, because my...

Taste and See

Taste and See

God's goodness cannot be fully grasped without experiencing it. The step of 'tasting' God's goodness brings awareness of more wonder, more blessing, more goodness than could be seen before. ==================== Scripture Psalm 34:8 "Oh taste and see that the Lord is...

The Cost of Worship

The Cost of Worship

Worship always costs something. The only question is who am I worshiping, and what price am I willing to pay? Am I worshiping earthly success, and paying an eternal price? Or am I paying a temporary price in this life, to worship the Creator and receive an eternal...

Lost in Transit?

Lost in Transit?

The same God who created the opportunity and made the promise, will be faithful to fulfill his promise whether the timeline is what I expected or not. Today I choose to wait on God, with my heart attuned to him--instead of trying to take control over that which I've...

Logic and Leading

Logic and Leading

In my life, there are needs that are plain to see, and decisions which must be made. But my own logic and reasoning will not accomplish the right outcome, if I neglect God's voice in the process--and decisions made in absence of the Holy Spirit will have far reaching...

Wondrous Things

Wondrous Things

This week, I choose to let my heart again be captivated by the wonder of the God that I serve--instead of staying daily distracted by that which cannot last. ============================ Scripture Psalm 72:18-19 18 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who alone...

The Personal Ambition Trap

The Personal Ambition Trap

Personal ambition is a tricky thing, and must at every moment be submitted to God's heart and to Kingdom purposes. If that order ever gets reversed, then eventually I will find myself instead submitting God's word to my own desires...and that can only lead to...

Seeking Counsel

Seeking Counsel

The voice of the Holy Spirit is available to guide me. I must choose daily to seek counsel from the Counselor so that I can walk with confidence through the things that are unknown to me. ======================================== Scripture Joshua 9:14-15 "So the men...