Trenton Johnson (dot com)

The Importance of Fruit

The Importance of Fruit

Growth rate, visibility, green leaves, and height are not the metrics by which to measure a healthy ministry according to Jesus. The only metric which matters in the end is this: Is it bearing healthy fruit? ====================== Scripture Matthew 7:15-16 “Beware of...



Paul's encouragement to the church in Corinth was to remember that we are not sufficient in ourselves...but in Christ, we have been made sufficient by his righteousness to boldly share the Good News about the Savior. ====================== Scripture 2 Corinthians...

The Purpose of Suffering

The Purpose of Suffering

There is no grief too great, and no suffering too terrible for God to bring comfort.  The comfort that God brings is not only adequate for the present suffering, but rather an over-abundance of comfort which is intended to be shared outward to others who are...

Inviting the Spirit

Inviting the Spirit

The right way to see the Spirit move in power, is to build up the Body with love and Christ-honoring communication. =============================== Scripture 1 Corinthians 14:12 "So with yourselves, since you are eager for the manifestations of the Spirit, strive to...

Not Just About Me

Not Just About Me

My walk with God is not just about me: It's about giving God my all, so that He can fully use me for His purpose in the lives of those around me. This week, I choose to love my family well by walking in full surrender to my God. ========================== Scripture 1...

Passing the Final Inspection

Passing the Final Inspection

That which is built of spirit and truth will survive, but that which is built of man's wisdom and effort cannot last. ================================== Scripture 1 Corinthians 3:12-13 "Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood,...

Hearing and Listening

Hearing and Listening

Elihu's lack of compassion turned what should have been a time to offer comfort and encouragement to Job, into a chance to vent his own anger and frustration. ===================== Scripture Job 32:18-20 18 For I am full of words; the spirit within me constrains me....

What’s in it for me?

What’s in it for me?

The blunt truth that Job points toward, is that it doesn't matter what a person may 'get out of it'...the almighty God of the universe deserves obedience and surrender simply by virtue of who he is. ==================== Scripture Job 21:15 What is the Almighty, that...

Dangerous Assumptions

Dangerous Assumptions

God is a God of truth, so my life must be built on truth if I hope to fulfill the purpose for which he created me. This week, I pray for wisdom to recognize when I am operating on assumptions so that my own pre-formed opinions would not prevent me from fulfilling that...

Not My Job?

Not My Job?

Some issues are my problem, but not my calling. I shouldn't ignore them, but nor can I devote all of my attention to solving them. So this week, I choose to engage my heart when issues arise. I choose to reject the 'not my problem' mindset, and instead pray for wisdom...

Praying for Peace

Praying for Peace

Today, I pray for peace in our world and peace for Israel--but not merely the temporary peace of politics, ceasefire negotiations, and military action. Instead, I pray for the eternal peace which only comes through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray that...

The King Is On His Throne

The King Is On His Throne

God is sovereign, and will fulfill His purposes—no matter what is permitted or tolerated by culture. ==================== Scripture Esther 1:15 "According to the law, what is to be done to Vashti, because she has not performed the command of King Ahaseurus delivered...

The Comparison Game

The Comparison Game

I choose to celebrate what God is doing--not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. I choose to celebrate each outpouring of his spirit, each overflow of his provision and blessing, each example of his goodness...instead of playing the comparison game....

Questioning Questions

Questioning Questions

Jesus didn't feel the need to constantly speak--he was very comfortable listening, and used skillful questions to nudge people toward the truth and reveal their hearts. ============================= Scripture Luke 10:25-26 "And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to...

Wasted Time?

Wasted Time?

Hard work is a great thing--but 'anxious toil' shows a lack of faith in God. God doesn't promise that every season will be easy, but he gives rest to those he loves. ==================== Scripture Psalm 127:2 It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest,...

Celebrating, or Sobbing?

Celebrating, or Sobbing?

I don't want to ever find myself grieving for the past, when I should be celebrating what God is doing in the present. I don't ever want to forget that God's presence is the thing worth celebrating--not merely the method that he has used for seasons of my life....

The River of Life

The River of Life

God's river is limitless in its capacity to provide what I need. The only restriction is on how much of the current I allow to flow through me to those who need to experience his abundant life. ======================== Scripture Ezekiel 47:10-11 10 Fishermen will...

That’s Not The Devil In The Details

That’s Not The Devil In The Details

Worshiping God often involves communication and planning as much as it involves sacrifices and altars. Our worship was not intended to be a solo sport--it was intended to involve every one of us glorifying God as only we can, in unity together. This kind of unified...