Trenton Johnson (dot com)

The Fulfillment

The Fulfillment

Instead of trying to figure out how to fulfill God's promise in my life, I must instead lock step with the promise-giver...trusting that His timing is perfect, and His promise will not fail. =================== Scripture Genesis 16:5 And Sarai said to Abram, “May the...

Divine Approval

Divine Approval

God's plan will not lead me, where His grace cannot sustain me. In order to love my wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25), I must love with a heart of self-sacrifice rather than self-preservation. My job is to love my family well, and lead them toward...

Twisted Truth

Twisted Truth

Speaking the truth isn't enough. If I lack the heart of God, then even the truth that I speak will not serve his purpose. I must speak the truth, with the right heart. ================================== Scripture Luke 4:41 "And demons also came out of many, crying...

Something New

Something New

It's easy to put God into a box of what he's already done in my life. But God isn't done yet! There are new seasons ahead, and new purposes to fulfill. As long as my answer to him is always 'yes!', there is no limit to what God can do. ====================== Scripture...

Check Engine

Check Engine

The sudden flare of anger in my heart is always evidence of something that God wants to accomplish in me--some change or transformation that will bring him glory. =============================== Scripture Genesis 4:4-7 "...and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his...

Rest and Rhythm

Rest and Rhythm

Rest (like all of creation) was designed and instituted by God for his glory, and for our benefit. ==================== Scripture Genesis 2:1 "...on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had...

The Blind Spot

The Blind Spot

The love of God confronts and reveals the self-blindness in my heart if I allow Him. Though the revelation is uncomfortable, it ultimately brings healing. ================================ Scripture Revelation 3:15-17 "I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot....



Reading and absorbing God's word doesn't merely communicate a list of rules and expectations--rather, reading God's word gives 'understanding'...and that understanding will cause a teachable heart to avoid that which is contrary to God's heart. ===============...

Expecting the Unexpected

Expecting the Unexpected

Instead of assuming that something is not of God merely because it doesn't fit my own parameters, I need to look for where God is moving beyond my own boundaries. As I align my life with His divine plan, the impossible becomes possible--and the improbable becomes...

Being and Doing

Being and Doing

This week I choose to 'be' a 'doer'. Not in order for God to love me, but because He already does. Not in order for God to save me, but because He already has. ====================== Scripture James 1:22-25 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving...

The Promise and the Past

The Promise and the Past

The only way to walk in the promise, is to let go of the past. ==================== Scripture Hebrews 11:13-15 "These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were...

Heart Talk

Heart Talk

We will always have opportunities for relational rifts and communication breakdowns, but Christ can still receive the glory even in these situations if I keep my heart right and seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide my words and responses. =================...

Imitating My Father

Imitating My Father

As a child of God, I can bring joy to the heart of my heavenly Father when I imitate his speech, his actions, and his love. Imitating my Father helps me grow into something greater, and it changes my own heart in the process. ================= Scripture Ephesians...



If I want to receive the full measure of God's blessing in my life, I must choose to be 'unoffendable' by him. He is God, and he is sovereign. He will not always do things my way--but I know that I will be blessed in him, as I choose to remain unoffended....

The Importance of Fruit

The Importance of Fruit

Growth rate, visibility, green leaves, and height are not the metrics by which to measure a healthy ministry according to Jesus. The only metric which matters in the end is this: Is it bearing healthy fruit? ====================== Scripture Matthew 7:15-16 “Beware of...



Paul's encouragement to the church in Corinth was to remember that we are not sufficient in ourselves...but in Christ, we have been made sufficient by his righteousness to boldly share the Good News about the Savior. ====================== Scripture 2 Corinthians...

The Purpose of Suffering

The Purpose of Suffering

There is no grief too great, and no suffering too terrible for God to bring comfort.  The comfort that God brings is not only adequate for the present suffering, but rather an over-abundance of comfort which is intended to be shared outward to others who are...

Inviting the Spirit

Inviting the Spirit

The right way to see the Spirit move in power, is to build up the Body with love and Christ-honoring communication. =============================== Scripture 1 Corinthians 14:12 "So with yourselves, since you are eager for the manifestations of the Spirit, strive to...